Wades Grove Homes for sale and current market report of recent home sales. 5 homes sold in Wades Grove during the month of January compared to 4 for January of 2015. The average price of new construction homes that sold during the month was $346,049 at $129 dollars per square ft. Only one resale home sold at $292,500 at $292,000 or $112 per square ft. So buying a used home in Wades Grove will probably save you 10 to 15 percent compared to a new home in the same neighborhood.
- 22 Wades Grove homes are currently pending sale
- 26 homes are available for purchase but all are in various stages of construction
- the average sales price of Wades Grove homes sold in January was $346,049 compared to $297,450 for the same period last year
- the average size of homes sold was 2661 square ft
- the average price per square feet of Wades Grove homes sold was $125.86
- the absorption rate based on January sales and current inventory is 5 months, mostly restricted by the availability of competed homes.
- the average days on market for sold homes is 127 days, but the number is inflated because the build time for new homes is usually 180 days
For the most-up-to-date information on Wades Grove homes values, then we urge you to contact us. We can assist you with all aspects of buying or selling real property in this and other neighborhoods in the Nashville Metro area. Also ask to be placed on an instant notification system when any new Wades Grove homes come on the market or price reductions in Wades Grove posted.
Benchmark realty can assist buyers in all forms of Nashville relocation needs including new construction houses, condos, townhouses, for sale by owner homes, residential lots, townhouses, lofts, and new homes in various subdivisions across the Nashville Metro region.
information on this page is based on information on single family homes for sale in Wades Grove subdivision in Spring Hill per the Nashville Multiple Listing Services, Inc. and is deemed reliable but, not guaranteed.
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