Homes for Sale in Green Hills 37215 – May 2019 market update
Green Hills homes for sale
- 63 homes sold during the month of April in Green Hills
- The median price of Green Hills homes sold was $713,500 compared to $650,000 for the same period last year, an increase of 9.8%
- The median size of homes sold was 3121 square feet
- The median days on market of homes sold was 17 days
- the list price to sales price ratio was 98.5%
- 172 Green Hills homes are currently listed in the Nashville MLS as available for purchase
- the absorption rate of Green Hills homes based on April sales and current inventory is 3 months
A lot of new construction home building is happening in Green Hills right now, and almost all of it involves displacing old homes with 2 or more new homes that are much larger and more expensive. If you are in the market for Green Hills real estate, give me a call, I’ll make the process simple and fun.
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For the most-up-to-date information on Green Hills homes values, then we urge you to contact us. We can assist you with all aspects of buying or selling real property in this and other neighborhoods in the Nashville Metro area. Also ask to be placed on an instant notification system when any new Green Hills homes in Nashville come on the market or price reductions in Nashville homes are posted.
And if you’re searching for Green Hills condos or townhouses for sale in the Nashville area, feel free to browse our updated listings of Nashville condos, townhouses, townhouses, lofts on our site.
information on this page is based on information on single family homes for sale in Green Hills real estate in Nashville per the Nashville Multiple Listing Services, Inc. and is deemed reliable but, not guaranteed.
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