The average price of Brentwood TN homes sold during January was $726,730 and the average price per square foot was $168, an exceptionally low number that seems to be an anomaly because the average price of the 89 homes currently under contract is $919,800 and the average price per square foot is $196.
- 89 Brentwood TN homes are currently under contract waiting to close
- 188 Brentwood TN homes are listed in the Nashville MLS as available for purchase
- the absorption rate of based on January sales is 5 months during what is traditionally our slowest sales month of the year
- the average size of homes sold was 4,367 square feet
- the average days on market for homes sold was 85 days
- the list price to sales price ratio for homes sold in January was 99%
Search for Brentwood TN real estate for sale here
Brentwood is located just south of Nashville in Williamson county and is known for low taxes, great schools, and large lots with mature trees. Access to the best shopping and dining in the area at Cool Springs is just minutes away. We have had a shortage of homes in Brentwood and it’s taking a long time for new construction homes to catch up to the demand. If you want a new home in Brentwood, give me a call, I can help you find the right builder and neighborhood to meet your needs.
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For the most-up-to-date information on Brentwood TN real estate values, then we urge you to contact us. We can assist you with all aspects of buying or selling real property in this and other neighborhoods in the Nashville Metro area. Also ask to be placed on an instant notification system when any new homes come on the market or price reductions in the Nashville MLS are posted.
Search for Brentwood TN homes for sale here, and call your Brentwood TN real estate resource Larry Brewer Benchmark realty 615-512-7853
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