Williamson County school rankings – as a realtor, I get this question a lot by parent who want to move their children into the best school they can find or afford, I have been consistent with my answer, and here it is.
Williamson County Schools are again the top schools in Tennessee, and the top elementary schools in the Nashville area once again are in Brentwood followed closely by Franklin schools. I’ve combined the TCAP scores for each area of testing Math/Reading/Science/social studies, and created a spread sheet for easy comparison. You can visit the Tennessee Department of education for information on schools not in the list. http://edu.reportcard.state.tn.us/pls/apex/f?p=200:30:4088028706987393::NO:::
Elementary school and middle schools use tcap scores, high schools use act scores. These are from the 2010 school year. Click on the school to see homes currently zoned for that school.
Elementary schools
- Scales 294
- Crockett 287
- Lipscomb 280
- Sunset 279
- Edmondson 277
- Kenrose 273
- Walnut Grove 272
- Oakview 271
- Winstead 271
- Hunters Bend 265
- Grassland 264
- Poplar Grove 255
- Moore 259
- Trinity 254
- Nolensville 252
- Liberty 245
- Heritage 243
- Chapmans 242
- Bethesda 236
- Longview 228
- Westwood 222
- Fairview 221
- Johnson 220
- Franklin 217
Rutland in Mt Juliet currently servicing Providence is 216
Williamson county average is 257
State average is 198
Davidson county average (Nashville) 172
As you can see, the scoring average for Williamson county elementary schools is much higher than the state average and fairly trounces Nashville schools. How big is the difference? If it were a report card grade it’s the difference between an “A” and a “D”.
If schools matter to you, decide that before you start looking for homes, your childs future depends on it.
Here are the Williamson county middle school scores.
- Brentwood 290
- Woodland 272
- Poplar Grove 264
- Grassland 260
- Heritage 244
- Sunset 244
- Freedom 239
- Fairview 238
West Wilson Middle in Mt Juliet servicing Providence is 203
I don’t have averages by state and county for Middle Schools, but you can expect the same comparisons as the elementary schools
Williamson county high schools are scored by the ACT tests
- Brentwood 25.3
- Ravenwood 24.2
- Franklin 22.9
- Fred Page 22.1
- Independence 21.7
- Centennial 21.6
- Fairview 19.5
- Middle College 18.8
Wilson county high in Mt Juliet servicing Providence is 20.2
The average for Williamson county high schools is 22.6
The average for Davidson county (Nashville) is 18
The state average is 19.6
Rutherford county average 19.8
Wilson county average 19.8
Williamson County Schools average over 20 percent better test scores than their neighbors to the north in Davidson county, and 10 percent better than Rutherford county and Wilson county. Within Williamson county the two Brentwood high schools are another 10 percent better even than the Franklin and Spring Hill schools, and a full 30 percent better than Davidson county schools and 20 percent better than the state average. If you don’t think 20 percent matters, then don’t complain when your child gets an average score on their report card.
If you would like to send your child to the best schools in middle Tennessee, give me a call, or use my search buttons to find a home in Brentwood or Franklin.
Excellent information about Williamson County Schools