What Are The Best Elementary Schools in Williamson county TN –
I get this question a lot, and if you base the answer on test scores, it’s a fairly easy answer. If you start to include opinions of parents and students, it becomes more subjective. I also think that comparing a magnet school to a typical public school is not a fair comparison. Magnet schools in general only allow the best students, giving them an unfair advantage. With all of that explanation behind me, I’ll go ahead and give you the rankings based on TCAP scores. The top 15 on this list are all in the top 5% of the state, a dominant showing by the county.
By the way, if you click on the school name, it will give you a list of all available homes in that school district.
- Clovercroft Elementary
- Edmondson elementary
- Lipscomb elementary
- Walnut Grove elementary
- Crockett elementary
- Trinity elementary
- Kenrose elementary
- Scales elementary
- Grassland elementary
- Pearre Creek elementary
- Oak View elementary
- Winstead elementary
- Sunset elementary
- Moore elementary
- Hillsboro elementary
- Hunters Bend elementary
- Nolensville elementary
- Heritage elementary
- Allendale elementary
- Poplar Grove elementary
- Chapmans Retreat
- Fairview elementary
- Bethesda elementary
- Franklin elementary
- Liberty elementary
- Johnson elementary
5 of the top 9 elementary schools in the state based on TCAP scores are in Williamson county. The other 4 are all magnet schools.
The reasons behind this dominant performance is believe can be traced back to a high percentage of single family homes instead of high density housing (apartments), as well as good teachers and parents who are willing to participate. The best elementary schools in Williamson county are all located where almost no apartments are feeding short term students to the school. By the way, the schools at the bottom of this list are all part of the Franklin special schools district where teachers are usually highest paid in Williamson county. So pay is not the answer to better schools.